
New US Ambassador to Cyprus Vows to Work for Reunification

New US Ambassador designate to Cyprus John Koenig said that if confirmed by the Senate, his top priority will be to support efforts to reunite Cyprus into a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation.
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Rep. Bilirakis Speaks Out On Eve of 38th Anniversary of Turkish Invasion of Cyprus

Rep. Gus Bilirakis, a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, spoke on the House Floor on July 19, 2012, to recall a somber anniversary that has pained the Cypriot and Hellenic communities for the past 38 years. Even though the tragic events of the...
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Howard L. Berman Asks US Government to Reassess Its Policy On Cyprus

In a letter to US Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Howard L. Berman, urges a “thoroughgoing re-assessment” of the US policy on Cyprus
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The Fifth Fig Tree Collection of Greek Poetry – 1974-2011

The Fith Fig Tree written by Cleopas Demosthenous is a Collection of Greek Poetry Cleopas Demethenous Born in 1940 in the village Prastio Morphou. He attended Trade School in Morphou and in 1960 went to England to study and then a scholarship for further studies in Scotland. He returned to Cyprus in 1963, married and...
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Cyprus strikes gas at first attempt offshore

 By Michele Kambas NICOSIA, Dec 28 (Reuters) – Cyprus said on Wednesday an offshore prospect where exploratory drilling is under way contains an estimated 5 to 8 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas, a first for the island which could make it self sufficient in the commodity for decades. Based on the exploratory drill...
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Cypriot competitors at the 2011 ISAF Sailing World Championships

The 2011 ISAF Sailing World Championships have just been held in Perth from the 3rd to the 18th of December. They are the principal qualification event for the 2012 Olympic Sailing Competition in Southampton next Summer. With over 1,500 sailors and more than 1,000 boats representing 80 nations, it is set to be a huge...
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Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou Marcoullis attends Cypriot Dinner and Dance 2011

The Cypriot Community of WA were blessed with the attendance of  the Cyprus Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou Marcoullis at their annual dinner and dance. Speaking during the Annual Dinner and Dance of the Cypriot Community of Western Australia, Marcoullis underlined the difficulties deriving from the stance of the Turkish Cypriot side and its negative positions...
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